January 16, 2012

How To Make Laundry Soap

My Sister in Law, Kristin, told us about how she has been making her own laundry detergent and saving a lot of money.  So we thought we would give it a try!  Here is where we learned how to make it.

Things you will need
2 empty milk jugs
1 bar of soap 
a grater
1 cup of Borax
1 cup of washing soda
a stockpot 
a funnel

How to make the laundry detergent.
  First grate a bar of soap.

Then put the grated soap into a stockpot, add a gallon of water,  and stir it until the soap dissolves.

Then add a cup of washing soda and a cup of borax and bring it to a boil.

Then add a gallon of cold water.

Then pour the mixture back into the milk jugs using a funnel.

(It thickens as it sits)

Now we have ourselves some homemade laundry soap! 
approx 576 loads for under 10 bucks

Go check out this blog, www.whynotsew.blogspot.com  She does better job at explaining it. Also check out her awesome quilts!

Happy Saving!

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