November 13, 2012

The Bookstore

A couple weeks ago, we took the boys to the bookstore to pick out a new book. 
I love getting books, probably more then they do!
Story time is one of my favorite times spent with the boys. 
So the more books the merrier. 

I still remember my Mom reading to us when we were little.
My favorite books were: anything by Dr. Seuss and Muffin Mouse New House
I still have this book and read it to the boys! 

At the bookstore, Nixon kept picking out the books he already had! "I wan tis one Mama!"  
As for Jovi, he LOVED pulling as many books off the shelves as he 
possibly could.

After testing out the books and reading through a few,
we all settled on the book called "Birthday Monsters."
One of Nixon's favorite books is "Pajama Time." 
So this one being the same Author, I thought was a safe bet.

After they got sick of looking at books, they were easily entertained by the train track table, which gave Ev and I a chance to read through some of our books of choice. 

Some other favorite books.

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