April 8, 2014

To Do List.

I have a thing for making "To Do Lists" Always have. I don't always get everything accomplished on the list that I wanted to that day, but it still helps me remember by writing stuff down. And I eventually get it all checked off. It might take me a few days, but I get it done.

 After Ev got out of school, we headed out with the little ones to check some things off our to do list. Which looked a little something like this...

  • Go through storage. 
  • Clean out the car.
  • Drop food off at the food bank.
  • Get product at CosmoProf.
  • Drop stuff off at D.I
  • Get a few Groceries from Walmart.
  • Go to Star Nursery.
I should have added take a nap at the end because running errands with 3 little ones is tough business. zzzzz. 

As we drove around we were able to listen to a few talks from Conference that we had missed over the weekend.
 I really like Elder Scotts talk about the righteous example his Grandmother had on him. And how we can help influence each other by simply living happy and righteously. -- Because when we let God in our lives, that's when we find true and everlasting happiness.
After getting all the errands done, Gibby was ready for a nap and the boys were excited to get home to plant our garden. And I was too. 

>>{The blue Power Ranger ^ And the green Power Ranger^ Don't get them mixed up, or else...}<<

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