June 16, 2014

Happy Fathers Day Papa Bear

Saturday night, I came home from hanging out with friends to a spotless clean house.
 Dishes were done, laundry folded and PUT AWAY, toys put away and the kids jammie's all laid out and ready to be put on.

You would think that it was Mother's Day or something! 
Just one of the many things that makes me so grateful to have such an awesome guy to be stuck with forever. 
It's a pretty great thing.

Yesterday morning, the boys came in to wake me up.
We let papa bear sleep in longer while we prepped for his big surprise. ;)

I helped the little ones make |Papa Bear Cards| while the french toast was cooking. 
After the food was all cooked, I lit a sparkler as a candle and we went in to surprise him with breakfast in bed. 

They all thought it was pretty fun and laughed as we all yelled "Happy Father's Day!" they then took turns giving Ev the cards they had made.

Nix was a little concerned that the food was going to catch on fire as the sparkler continued to burn. We assured him it wouldn't and got back to reading the cards.

Later that day, we went on a little drive to Springdale
On the way there, we talked about life and some of our further goals and plans.
Gibby fell asleep on the way there. (which was our plan to fit her nap in.)
When we got there, we stopped at a grassy park by the riverside and let the boys explore for a little while.
Then headed back for Father's Day dinner at my parents.

Dinner was delicious! 
BBQ sandwiches, pasta & broccoli salad, backed beans and corn on the cob. Mmm. 
Nixon ate 2 corn on the cobs, we were all pretty impressed.  
After dinner we sat around in the front room as my Dad opened his gifts.
I made my Dad a tic-tac-toe shirt as a fathers day gift and all the grandkids took their turn playing and also dog piling on Gramps.

They thought it was pretty great.

Then we headed home and ended our evening with bath-time, a Skye call with Evan's family then stories in our bed.

I am so thankful our boys have such amazing examples to look up to as they grow older.
Happy Father's Day!


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