June 29, 2014

Temple Square

Last weekend, while we were up visiting family in Salt Lake, we took the little ones to Temple Square for the first time. Uncle Eston came along with us, which we were happy to have him - and also grateful to have a extra hand to help us keep two little active boys inline. ;)

Nixon is always complaining about the sun hurting his eyes,
So Papa bears sunglasses come in handy just for that.
I wish everyone could get the chance of hearing Gibby's fake laugh.
 It's the funniest thing!! 
She is such a little goof and is always putting a smile on our face.
I love her so much for that.  
I don't think we could have picked a more perfect day to go. 
The weather was perfect, all the flowers were in bloom and the smell in the air was something incredible. 
By the end of it all, we had 3 very tired little babes.
 We made our way back to the car then headed home to Evan's parent's - just in time for naps & salmon burgers. Mmmmm.

I'm so grateful for family and for the knowledge and blessing I have of being stuck with them FOREVER! 
I need nothing more than that.  

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1 comment:

Stacey said...

You have such a beautiful family! I have been following your blog for quite some time and feel somewhat apart of your family. Thank you for sharing your life with the rest of us! You truly are one inspiring Mama. God bless xxx

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