January 31, 2014

Rainy Friday

I feel like this week has been harder then most. 
Gibson is teething and keeping me up at night. 
Jovi has been waking up every morning completely nakey and covered in pee.
 Nixon has not been minding and doing the opposite of everything i say.

 And on top of it all, I have been very hard on myself and pointing out all my flaws and focusing on them - therefore making me feel like crap and not myself. Blah, it really has been quite the week. 

Then I realized something, a pattern to my not so good horrible rotten week. 
All I was doing was focusing on the negative things and everything that was going wrong in my life. Once I realized this, I decided it needed to be fixed right away. 

And you know what? Once I did things started getting better.
I started feeling better. I started feeling like me again. 

The boys started getting along more and I kissed and loved on Gibby all the more because I knew she was going through a hard time. 

Life didn't just all of the sudden change.
My attitude and prospective did.


1 comment:

Em said...

Boy did I need to hear and see this post today!!! My baby has an ear infection and my boys have been...challenging to say the lease. I was seriously thinking I shouldn't be a mother. Having a pitty party all by myself. Then I read this and realize I have a great life! Thanks for all your positive posts! They are appreciated!

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