March 27, 2014

little ones

It's 7:30 on a Wednesday night. I'm sitting in my bed, eating peanut M&M's while I blog and edit pictures with Jovi by my side. He occasionally will look up at me and ask for a "blu one" because he only likes things that are blue these days. Nixon is in the other room watching Doc Mc'Stuffins and will pop in once and a while to check and see what we are doing. Gibby is asleep in her swing and Babe is working late tonight so It's just me and the little ones for the evening.

Today was kind of one of those blah days. Those days when you just want to close your eyes and avoid seeing everything around you that needs to be done. My house is a mess but I don't want to clean it. My Sister shared this quote with me and it's me to a "T". I'll share it with you.  

After feeling blah most of the day, I decided to get the boys dressed and go play in the rain while baby girl napped. It felt really good to step outside and smell the fresh-rain-air while the boys attempted to run out in it then quickly back inside - screaming and laughing.  It gave me a sense of peace and a reassurance that tomorrow is a new day and I am very blessed to have spent the day taking care of and raising such sweet little spirits.
They looked so cute after playing in the rain, so naturally I had to snap a few photos of them;)<3


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