April 4, 2014

Don't kill the Cactus.

Lately, when I run to the grocery store, I find myself spending a lot of time in the garden area. I LOVE plants. I also love spring. There are so many gorgeous flowers in bloom right now -- I just want to bring them all home with me. (and sometimes, I do.) Not really ALL of them, just a few, like these guys right here >>>

I'm hoping I don't forget about it and kill it like I did last time around. But It's a cactus?! How do you kill a cactus? My thoughts exactly. But somehow I manage to do it.

Maybe I will put Nixon in charge of him this time, (He's really good at remembering things, he is also really good a watering things.) So there we go. Problem solved.

He has been growing a little seed in a plastic cup he got from his teacher at church and has been doing a fabulous job at taking care of it! I'm really impressed. I also find it adorable how much he loves plants and growing things.

I have yet to plant my spring garden (I'm hoping next week) And almost everyday (no lie)  Nixon will ask me, "when can we make the garden beautiful?!" Because right now it's just a planter box full of dirt. He's pretty good at keeping me on my toes. ~ Don't worry Nixon buddy, we will make our garden beautiful soon!~  And with his help, hopefully I won't kill anything.

A few more pics from our outing the other day. Happy happy weekend!!!

Haha Nixon holding his breathe while I
 was trying to take a pic with him. (3 almost 4 year olds...)
The boys already know what my favorite flower is.<3
"Look mama, these are your favorite huh!"


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