April 3, 2014

Little Sunshine

Hey Gibs, you're really cute. Thanks for picking me to be your Mama!!! xox

In just 3 months, miss Gibson will be turning one... One?!. One.
I always dreamt of having a little girl and still can't believe she is here.
Her older brothers are so sweet with her, and adore her so very much.
Since she was born, I have sung "You Are My Sunshine" to her.
It has since become her song and rings nothing but truth.
She really is a little ball of sunshine - always happy and full of life.
I can't go anywhere without her brightening up someones day- just by catching their attention with her bright smiling face.
Her smile really is contagious.
I Love you Gibby Gibson!


"You Are My Sunshine"

You are my sunshine, my little sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away.


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