July 18, 2014

Photo Dump

In Photos

|>>>| Fourth of July with the Family
|>>>|  A trip to Fiesta Fun with papa bear and the boys
|>>>|  Exploring Outside
|>>>|  A waffle date with my buddy Nixon
|>>>|  At the Farmers Market with the Family
|>>>|   Playing in the rain!
|>>>|  A fun style shoot with my Sissy
|>>>|  Copes new Teva's I couldn't pass up
|>>>|  Nixon helping me with laundry
|>>>|  My little roo babe
|>>>|  papa bear gave Jovi a fresh new cut
|>>>| Gibby's stink bug crawl
|>>>| Gibby & cousin Cope -- little shopping buddies
|>>>| Gibby's 1st birthday | Having fun with Dan's GoPro
|>>>| Gibby bathing in Gramma's sink
|>>>| Our trip to Salt Lake
|>>>| Modeling gorgeous vintage dresses--Such a fun day with fun girls!
|>>>| Squeezing all three kiddies into a single stroller without a sweat (cute little stinkers)
|>>>| A trip to IKEA with the Uncles -- Eston & Aric
|>>>| Little Lucy Devine's baby blessing
|>>>| Back at home reading stories in our bed
|>>>| Strawberry, banana, key lime smoothies with the boys
|>>>| Playing "dead zombie, dead zombie" on Gramma & papa's tramp
|>>>| a trip to the splash pad with my Sissy Chantelle
|>>>| a hard morning with some grumpy boys -- so we got out of the house for some fun & duck feeding
|>>>| Gibby & Gramma's chicken Pineapple
|>>>| Gibby playing in the sandbox & tasting it as well
|>>>| Nixon not so sure about his topknot
|>>>| A trip to the park on a hot summer day
|>>>| they all didn't want to walk back to the car so I put Gibby on Jovi's lap in the little umbrella stroller and held Nixon as I pushed the stroller. -- good thing the car wasn't parked too far away!

 photo taylisig_zps31f65bb1.png

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